Dienstag, 17. November 2009

defer in go

"The defer statement executes a function (or method)
when the enclosing function returns. The arguments
are evaluated at the point of the defer; the function
call happens upon return." GocourseDay1.pdf

leet look folowing programm:

package main

import "fmt"

func b() {
fmt.Printf("called b()\n");

func a() int {
fmt.Printf("start a()\n");
defer b();
fmt.Printf("ended a()\n");
return 0;

func main() {
fmt.Printf("start main\n");
fmt.Printf("call a()\n");
fmt.Printf("after a()\n");

a() call with defer b(). But the outprint show:

start main
call a()
start a()
ended a()
called b()
after a()

we can see that b() will be called before a() return.

=> defer is useful for closing fds, unlocking mutexes, etc.

defer is simmilar to atexit() for main() in C.

futher example:

package main

import "fmt"

func trace(s string) string {

fmt.Print("entering:", s, "\n");
return s
func un(s string) {
fmt.Print("leaving:", s, "\n")
func a() {

defer un(trace("a"));
fmt.Print("in a\n")
func b() {

defer un(trace("b"));
fmt.Print("in b\n");
func main() { b() }

the output is:

in b
in a

as we can see: defer f1(f2()) f2() is called immediately but f1() is called at ending.

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