Sonntag, 5. Juli 2009

PERL: some perl stuff

($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)=localtime(time());
print scalar(localtime()); # > Fri Dec 21 11:11:30 2006

# gibt keine leezreilen und zeilen mit "---" oder mehr aus
print unless ( /^\s+$/ or /-{3,}/ );

# sucht nach kapazietaet
if(/remaining capacity: *?(\d*?) mAh/) {
print $1;

# eine mail senden

use Email::Send;
send SMTP=> <<'__MESSAGE__', $host;

bla bla

perl -e 'print "$_\n" foreach(@INC);'

# formatprobe
open (CON_LIST, '>-') or die " open error\n";
$i=1; $key="klasst"; $result=0.23; $erg=23;

write CON_LIST;

close CON_LIST;

format CON_LIST =
@> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>> = @<<<<<<
$i, $key, $result, $erg

# zu datenbank verbinden (mysql)
use DBI();


# verbinden
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$dbhost",
$dbuser, $dbpass, {'RaiseError' => 1});
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT host, user, Password FROM user"); # anfrage
$sth->execute(); # anfrage senden

while (my $user = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { # daten als hash holen
# $user ist eine hash referenz
print "HOST: ".$user->{'host'}."\nUSER: ".$user->{'user'}."\nPASS: ".$user->{'Password'}."\n\n";

$dbh->disconnect(); # verbindung zu db schliessen

# einfaches parameter options
use Getopt::Std;
getopts("vr:", \%options);
print "v-> ".$options{'v'}."\n";
print "r-> ".$options{r}."\n";
#./ -v -r bla
#v-> 1
#r-> bla

# dateien globen
while (<$path/*.pl>) {
print $_."\n";
# gibt alle dateinamen *.pl aus

# socket
my $sock = new IO::Socket::UNIX (Peer => $ARGV[0], Type => SOCK_STREAM); # socket
print $sock $query; # senden
my $response = <$sock>; # empfangen
close $sock;

# einfacher server
use IO::Socket;
$socket=new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost=>$ARGV[0],
Listen=>5, Reuse=>1,);
# max 5 stueck, reuse=1 benutze den port wieder
die "new socket error: $!" unless $socket;

while($cli=$socket->accept()) { # client verbindet
print $cli "Hallo, \n";
$cli->flush(); # flushen
close($cli); # und tschuess

# server
user IO::Socket;
$ss=new IO::Socket::INET(LocalPort=>2345, Listen=>$SOMAXCONN, Proto=>'tcp', Reuse=>1);
# loop on incomming connections
while($sc=$ss->accept()) {
$data=<$sc>; # empfang
print $sc "bla"; # senden

# client
$sc=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr=>$hostname, PeerPort=>2345, Type=>SOCK_STREAM, Proto=>'tcp');
# .. aehnlich server

# donot use IO::Socket::INET this package is defined in IO::Socket

# pack unpack
my $query = pack("L L N N S S", 0x2343defe, 0x12345678,
2343343, 1111323, $ARGV[2], $ARGV[4]);
my ($magic, $id, $type, $genre, $detail, $dist, $link, $tos, $fw,
$nat, $real, $score, $mflags, $uptime) =
unpack ("L L C Z20 Z40 c Z30 Z30 C C C s S N", $response);

# alle modulen *.pm ausgeben
perl -e 'print "$_\n" foreach(@INC);' | while read f; do find $f -name \*.pm ; done

# inplace editieren, scritpname:pr2.orig
$^I=".bak"; # backup name
while(<>) {
print "$n: $_";

# pipe
open IN, "cat |" or die "cat??";
print while();
close IN;
$cmd0='tr -s " " " " ';
open SEND, "| $cmd0 | $cmd1" or die "bla";
print SEND "daasa sdfklasdf jkaldskjfaslkdj ";
close SEND;
open SEND, "| tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'";
print SEND "hello"; # leitet die ausgabe ueber pipe nach tr
close SEND;
open SEND, "| $encoder stdout" or die "encoder";
print SEND "dies ist eine probe";
close SEND;

# cgi
use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header,
p("Die letzten Tagen"),
h1("Blabla bla");

# datei locken
use IO::File;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);

my $fh=new IO::File(">probe.txt") or die "IO::File\n";

flock $fh, LOCK_EX;
print "get flock datei\n";
print $fh "bla bla";


flock $fh, LOCK_UN;

# ftp benutzen
use Net::FTP;


$ftp=Net::FTP->new($host) or die "Net::FTP->new error:$!\n";
$ftp->login($user, $pass) or die "login error: $!\n",$ftp->message;
$ftp->cwd("/home/ray/daten") or die "cwd error\n";

#print foreach(@alle);
$ftp->get($_) foreach(@alle);


# holt n-mails von ab
use Net::POP3;

open OUT, ">>$ort$datum" or die "kann nicht mail oeffnen: $! \n";

($mail=Net::POP3->new($host)) or die "error open $host: $!\n";

$lo=$mail->login($user, $pass);
die "login error: $!\n" unless defined $lo;
print "Login: $user OK\n";
if($lo) {
foreach $nr (1..10) {
print "Mail nr $nr\n";
print OUT @$inhalt;

# wandelt ip in int um
use Net::IP;
my $src = new Net::IP ("") or die (Net::IP::Error());
print $src->intip()."\n";

# read a gif file
open A or die "$A: $!";
read A, $b, 1024;
@c=unpack "C4A40(A/A)4", $b;
open OUT, ">gifinfo.txt";
print OUT for(@c);
close OUT;

# zeit
@monat=qw(jan feb mar apr mai jul jun aug sep okt nov dec);
my ($s,$m,$h,$d,$mo,$y,@r)=localtime();
print "$h:$m:$s\n";
print "$d ".$monat[$mo]." ", 1900+$y,"\n";

$|=1; # ausgabe nicht puffern

# persistente variablen(hash)
use GDBM_File; # persistenter hash
use Fcntl; # O_CREAT, O_RDWR usw
# persistenten hash oeffnen
tie(%MEM, GDBM_File, $pfile, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644) or
die "cannot open $pfile";
# binden den hash MEM an die Datei pfile, ueber GDBM Interface
# der hash MEM erscheint als normaler hash im speicher, liegt aber auf der platte
$MEM($url)="bla"; # schreiben
$d=$MEM('pla'); # lesen
untie(%MEM); # pers. hash schliessen

# web
use LWP::UserAgent;
$ua=LWP::UserAgent->new(); # user agent erzeugen
$request=HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url); # url festlegen
$response=$ua->request($request); # netzzugriff ausfuehren
if($response->is_error()) { ... } # $response->is-success

use LWP::Simple;
$doc=get '';

perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'getprint "ftp://...";'

use LWP::Simple;
mirror($url, $localfile);

use HTML::Parse;
use HTML::FormatText;
$formatter=new HTML::FormatText(leftmargin=>0, rightmargin=>70);
print OUT $formater->format($html);

# checksume berechnen
$chksum=unpack("%16C*", $dat);

# Ping
user Net::Ping;
if($po->ping($hostname)) {
print "$hostname da";

use Net::FTP;
login($servername, $passwort);
#ascii, binary
cwd($dir); # dir($dir) pwd quit
$dir=$ftp->dir(); # return a refernce
foreach(@$dir) print "$_\n";
$ftp = Net::FTP->new("", Debug => 0)
or die "Cannot connect to $@";
or die "Cannot login ", $ftp->message;
or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message;
or die "get failed ", $ftp->message;
# SEE perldoc Net::FTP

# mail
use Mail::Send;
print $mailhandle << END;
bla bla
$mailhandle->close(); # send mail

use MIME::Lite;
$msg=MIME::Lite->new(From=>$fromaddr, To=>$toaddr, Subject=>'bla',
$msg->attach(Type=>'TEXT', Encoding=>'7bit', Data=>'bla bla');
$msg->attach(Type=>'image/gif', Encoding=>'base64', Path=>'bild.gif', Filename=>'bild.gif');
# convert message to string

# decoding MIME
use MIME::Parser;
$mime=new MIME::Parser;
$mime->read(\*INPUT); # geoffnete Datei

use Net::SMTP;
$ms=new Net::SMTP($hostname, Debug=>1,);
$ms->data($data); # in data steht auch der subject

# POP3
use Net::POP3;
$ms=new Net::POP3($hostname);
$msg_cnt=$ms->login($usrename, $passwd);
$headers=$ms->list(); # reference
foreach $message(keys(%$headers)) {

dbmopen(%dbhash, "filename", 0666);
$dbhash{'name'}="bla bla";
print $dbhash{'any'};

while(($key, $val)=each(%dbhash)) {
print ...

use Fcntl;
use SDBM_File;
use Config;
tie(%dbhash, 'SDBM_File', 'sdmtest', $flags, 0666) or die "cannot open database $!";
# tie bindet eine variable zu etwas, hier zu einer datenbank klasse
# tie(var, classname, file, flags, mode)
# var: %hash, @array, $scalar, HANDLE

tying scalar, array, filehandle, hash when call 'tie', perl execute proper constructor
array ->TIEARRAY
hash ->TIEHASH

TIESCALAR classname, list
FETCH this
STORE this, val

package Myscalar;

my ($class)=$_[0];
my ($self)=0;
return (bless(\$self, $class));
sub FETCH {
return ($$reference_to_self);

# an object is a reference

tie($myscalar, 'Myscalar');

TIEARRAY classname, list
FETCH this, index
STORE this, index, value

TIEHANDLE classname, list
PRINT this, list
PRINTF this, list
READLINE this # called by <>
GETC this
READ this, list

TIEHASH classname, list
FETCH this, key
STORE this, key, value
EXISTS this, key
DELETE this, key
CLEAR this
NEXTKEY this, lastkey

store $v=$hash{'key'};
exists if(exists($hash{'key'})) { ..
delete delete $hash{'key'};

Tie::Hash, Tie::StatHash

sub STORE{ $_[0]->{$_[1]}=$_[2]; }
sub FIRSTKEY{ my $a=scalar keys%{$_[0]};
each%{$_[0]} }
sub CLEAR{ %{$_[0]}=() }
# %{..} anonyme hash

package Tie::Stdhash;
@ISA=qw(Tie::Hash); # used to speify which baseclass a new class inherits from
# Tie::StdHash inherits from Tie::Hash
sub STORE { ... } # override the STORE method

use DBI;
if($DBI::err) { .. error }

perldoc DBI::FAQ
# extract the data
while(@val=$cursor->fetchrow()) { .. }

use vars qw(@ISA); # pragma to predeclare global variable names (obsolete)

# Zlib
use Compress::Zlib;
binmode STDOUT;
my $gz=gzopen(\*STDOUT, "wb");
while(<>) {

$gzerrno!=Z_STREAM_END; Z_OK


my $x=inflateinit();
($output, $status)=$x->inflate(\$input);
my $x=deflateinit();
($o, $s)=$x->deflate($_);

use Bla;
$o=Bla::funct() # oder
use Bla qw(funct);

push @arr, $var; # append $var to @arr
pop @arr; # get the latest element and remove it

use File::Basename;
($basename, $dir, $suffix)=fileparse($path, @suf);
# Ping /usr/lib...

use Config;
%Config; # -which include a lot of inormation about the configuration of Perl
if($Config{osname}=~/^Windows/) ..

use File::Compare; # compare 2 files
$result=compare($file1, $file2); # 0 equal 1 diff -1 errror

use File::Copy;
copy($sourcefile, $destfile);
move($srcfile, $dstfile);

#Installing new Module
perl Makefile.PL
make install

# Image with GD
use GD;
$im=new GD::Image(100,100);
print OUT $im->gif;
$im->string(gdLargeFont, 30,40, $message);
# stringUp(..) rotate 90°
$im->line($x, $y, $x2, $y2, $color);

/\binder\b/ # wortgrenze 'inder' aber kein 'rinder'

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